Electric and hybrid car Technology and consulting.
siret 511 294 878 00018
code APE 5889A Formation pour adulte
Enregistré sous le numéro 93 83 04081 83. Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l'Etat (mention légale).
CFPELEC was created in 2009 by Jean-Charles PAPAZIAN, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, after working as a trainer for VALEO (IVST) and CESI.
PhD gratudated of INPG (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble) and ENSIEG Engineer (National School of Electrical Engineers of Grenoble). He realized his graduation project at the McGill University (Montreal, canada).
He then worked for RENAULT research department (thesis "Optimization of the drivetrain of an electric vehicle"), then Matra Automobiles, VALEO, including in the field of electric vehicles.
He now operates in the field of corporate training through CFPELEC, and School of Engineering (ENSAM Aix en Provence). As an independant expert, it intervenes in the press, including Le Monde and France Info.
Jean-Charles Papazian is a member of the SIA (Society of Automotive Engineers) and runs the website expert-ve devoted to electric vehicles and hybrids.